Item Coversheet

City of Georgetown, Texas
City Council Regular Meeting
AugustĀ 23, 2022


Second Reading of Ordinance to establish the Water Impact Fee Committee -- Wesley Wright, PE, Systems Engineering Director


As part of the periodic update to the City Water and Wastewater Master Plans and as required by Texas Local Government Code Ch. 395, Impact Fees must be reviewed and updated at least every five (5) years.  Part of that update process requires the review of land use assumptions, capital improvement plans, and the financial calculations by a Committee.  That Committee must also provide recommendations to the Council on related matters.  In the past, Committees for each update were formed ad-hoc and generally consisted of members of the Water Board (then know as the Georgetown Utility Systems Advisory Board) along with appointees from the development community to meet the minimum participation requirements of State Law.  It should be noted that Council Member appointees to the Board typically have not served on the Committee out of respect for their time and due to the fact that they will participate in final action in their role as a Council Member. 


The proposed Ordinance formalizes the required Committee’s membership in the City’s Code of Ordinances and establishes the Committee purpose as:

(1) Advise and assist the city council in adopting land use assumptions;

(2) Review the capital improvements plan and file written comments;

(3) Monitor and evaluate implementation of the capital improvements plan;

(4) File semiannual reports with respect to the progress of the capital improvements plan and report to the city council any perceived inequities in implementing the plan or imposing the impact fee; and

(5) Advise the city council of the need to update or revise the land use assumptions, capital improvement plan, and impact fee.


Staff will bring forward recommendations for actual appointees in the near future and attempt to provide Impact Fee update recommendations based on the recently updated Water and Wastewater Master Plans later this year. 

RLD for Wes Wright
Water Impact Fee Committee - Ordinance
Exhibit A