Item Coversheet

City of Georgetown, Texas
City Council Regular Meeting
AugustĀ 23, 2022


Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance on a request for a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone a 12.695 acre tract and 2.010 acre tract known as parts of Lot 1 of the McCoy School Subdivision, from the Residential Single-Family (RS) zoning district to a Planned Unit Development with the General Commercial (C-3) and High-Density Multi-Family (MF-2) base zoning districts, for the property generally located at Williams Drive and Rivery Boulevard (2021-12-PUD) -- Sofia Nelson, Planning Director


Overview of Applicant’s Request:

The applicant is requesting the Planned Unit Development to create a mixed-use development that incorporates a mix of commercial, residential, retail, and office uses. They are proposing base districts of C-3 and MF-2, with modifications restricting a number of automotive, civic and special services such as Flea Markets, Hospitals, and Personal Services, Restricted. Notable site features proposed include a parking garage for the Multi-Family and green space for the commercial.


Staff’s Analysis:

Staff has reviewed the request in accordance with the Unified Development Code (UDC) and other applicable codes. Staff has determined that the proposed request complies with four and partially complies with one of the five criteria established in UDC Section 3.06.030 for a Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) and  complies with 3 and partially complies with 3 of the 6 criteria and objectives established in UDC Section 3.06.040 for a Planned Unit Development (PUD), as outlined in the attached Staff Report.


Public Comments:

As required by the Unified Development Code, all property owners and registered neighborhood associations within a 300-foot radius of the subject property were notified of the Zoning Map Amendment request (71 notices), a legal notice advertising the public hearing was placed in the Sun Newspaper (Sunday, July 17, 2022) and signs were posted on-site. To date, staff has received 0 written comments in favor, and 0 in opposition to the request.


Planning and Zoning Commission:

At their meeting on August 2, 2022 the Planning and Zoning Commission made a recommendation of denial of the request.


None. The applicant has paid the required application fees.

Ryan Clark, Planner II
[2021-12-PUD] P&Z Staff Report
Exhibit 1 - Location Map
Exhibit 2 - Future Land Use Map
Exhibit 3 - Zoning Map
Exhibit 4 - PUD Development Plan
Exhibit 5 - Letter of Intent
ordinance exhibit a- location map
ordinance exhibit b and c legal description and PUD plan