Item Coversheet

City of Georgetown, Texas
City Council Regular Meeting
AugustĀ 23, 2022


Consideration and possible action to approve contract #22-0057-GS with Incircle Management Inc. for Public Works Pond and Right of Way Mowing and Maintenance Services in the amount of $617,389.98 for the first year; additionally, to authorize the City Manager to execute renewals of the contract agreement and conditions for up to four (4) additional one (1) year periods -- Eric Johnson, Public Works Director


A best value invitation to bid was released to bidders on June 17, 2022.  The bid consisted of Pond and Right of Way Mowing Services for Public Works.  It included 158 individual bid items separated into six (6) categories, including East Finish Mowing, East Rough Mowing, West Finish Mowing, West Rough Mowing, Ponds and Georgetown Village PID. 


Six (6) sealed bids were received and opened on July 14, 2022.  The best value evaluation criteria consisted of price as well as business history and experience. The Purchasing Department reviewed pricing and assigned scores based on prices submitted by each bidder.  Staff from Public Works evaluated the responses from each bidder and scored them on business history and experience. This also included reviewing bid responses and references. 


Incircle Management Inc. received the highest rank through the best value evaluation process in all six categories. They have provided similar services to several cities throughout Texas. 


The initial contract term is for one (1) year with four (4) one (1) year renewals. The anticipated contract start is September 1, 2022. 


Funds for Public Mowing Services are budgeted annually in the Stormwater Enterprise Fund.

Danielle Dutra
InCircle Contract
Scoring Summary
Bid Tab-Summary