Item Coversheet

City of Georgetown, Texas
City Council Regular Meeting
AprilĀ 26, 2022

Second Reading of an Ordinance relating to approvals, processing, and requirements for plats and plans pursuant to Chapter 212 of the Local Government Code; repealing conflicting ordinances and resolutions; making such other findings and provisions related to the subject; and declaring an effective date -- Travis Baird, Assistant Planning Director- Current Planning


Texas House Bill 3167, dubbed the “shot clock” bill, went into effect on Sept. 1, 2019. The new legislation expanded on previous legislation requiring cities and counties to act on plat and plan applications within 30 calendar days to be inclusive of all subdivision related applications. Additionally, subsequent applications became subject to a 15-day review period. Plats and Plans that have not been acted on at the end of these timeframes must be automatically approved. Specific comments need to be cited for disapproval . The bill requires the municipal authority responsible for approving plats (P&Z) to take the following action on the plan or plat:

(1) approve, 

(2) approve with conditions, or 

(3) disapprove with explanation. 


Proposed Changes:

The proposed ordinance allows for the following changes:

  • Allows for an applicant to  submit a waiver to the shot clock requirements.
  • Allows for minor plats, amending plats, and some replats to be approved by the Planning Director (denials of these application will require P&Z action).


The proposed changes will improve the development process in the following ways:

  • Increased submittal days. For those applicants that submit a waiver to the shot clock requirements they will be permitted to submit on alternative days that are currently reserved for land use applications or resubmittal applications. Additionally, an applicant could work through comments with staff without an action of denial by the P&Z. Rather P&Z action would be reserved for the final approval of the application.
  • Authority for Administrative Approval. For minor plat applications should the applicant submit with a waiver to the shot clock requirements  the applicant will be able to achieve approval of their application without going to P&Z action.


City Council Action:

On April 12th the City Council approved this ordinance change on first reading.
