Item Coversheet

City of Georgetown, Texas
City Council Regular Meeting
September 28, 2021

Consideration and possible action to direct staff to create a memorial for the lives lost during the fire at the Ponderosa Pet Resort with a funding allocation of $25,000.00 -- David Morgan, City Manager

On Saturday, September 18, 2021 a tragic fire occurred at Ponderosa Pet Resort. Fire crews arrived on scene in four and a half minutes. By that time, the facility was engulfed in smoke from the fire. None of the 75 dogs staying at the resort survived. No humans were injured or died in the fire. Twenty-five firefighters responded to the blaze.

The City would like to establish a memorial at our Bark Park to honor the 75 dogs that lost their life and their owners.

This item will be directing staff to begin the process in establishing this memorial and working with the families who lost loved ones to be involved in the process.

Up to $25,000
Mayra Cantu, Assistant to the City Manager