Overview of Applicant’s Request:
The applicant is requesting rezoning of the subject property to facilitate the development of a business as an Industrial use. The rezoning request is to amend the property’s zoning designation from the Residential Single Family (RS) zoning district to the Industrial (IN) zoning district. The property is currently undeveloped land.
Staff’s Analysis:
Staff has reviewed the request in accordance with the Unified Development Code (UDC) and other applicable codes. Staff has determined that the proposed request meets 5 of 5 of the criteria established in UDC Section 3.06.030 for a rezoning, as outlined in the attached Staff Report.
Public Comments:
As required by the Unified Development Code, all property owners within a 300-foot radius of the subject property and within the subdivision were notified of the Zoning Map Amendment request (9 notices), a legal notice advertising the public hearing was placed in the Sun Newspaper (August 1, 2021) and signs were posted on-site. To date, staff has received 0 written comments in favor, and 0 in opposition to the request.
Planning and Zoning Commission:
At the August 17th Planning and Zoning Commission meeting the Commission voted to recommend approval (vote 6-0) for your consideration.
City Council
On First Reading of the request the City Council voted to approve the request.