Item Coversheet

City of Georgetown, Texas
City Council Regular Meeting
September 28, 2021


First Reading of an Ordinance amending Chapter 2.115.030 of the Code of Ordinances regarding the Georgetown Village Public Improvement District No. 1 Advisory Board membership -- Wayne Nero, Chief of Police and Interim Assistant City Manager


The City of Georgetown has determined the need to update Section 2.115.030 of the Code of Ordinances regarding members and terms of the Georgetown Village Public Improvement District No. 1 Advisory Board (the “Board”). 


In 1999, the City Council first authorized and created the Georgetown Village Public Improvement District No. 1 (the "District"). The District is governed by City Council, with the advice of the Board.


The membership of the Board is set forth in Section 2.115.030 of the Code of Ordinances.  Currently, it consists of seven members and two alternates.  Five of the members are resident homeowners of Georgetown Village (the “GV Members”), and two are representatives of the developer (the “Development Members”).


Per Section 2.115.030.A.2, the two Development Members are to resign and be replace by two resident homeowners “at such time as the development of the Georgetown Village PUD Concept Plan is complete.” In the coming weeks, the development of the Georgetown Village PUD Concept Plan will be complete, and the two Development Members shall resign and be replaced by two GV Members.


In addition, the Board desires to remove the alternate positions, which are currently unoccupied and have never been needed to attain a quorum.


These Code amendments remove the references to the Development Members and alternates and will be effective November 1, 2021.

Sabrina Poldrack
Exhibit A_Bylaw_Redline
Exhibit A_Bylaw_Clean
GVPID Bylaws Presentation