Item Coversheet

City of Georgetown, Texas
City Council Regular Meeting
September 28, 2021

Forwarded from Georgetown Water Utility Advisory Board (GWUAB):
Consideration and possible action to award a contract to Santa Clara Construction of Austin, TX for the construction of the Lake WTP 30” Raw Water Line Improvements Project in the amount of $1,833,457.00 -- Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director and Chris Pousson, CIP Manager

The project consists of furnishing, installing, and providing all labor, materials, and equipment required to install approximately 3,050 linear feet of new 30-inch diameter ductile iron raw water pipeline including valves, erosion controls, revegetation, system connections, pavement repair and related appurtenances. The project also includes the removal and replacement of approximately 1,500 linear feet of fiberoptic wire, conduit, handholes and system connections. The project begins at the Raw Water Intake of Lake Georgetown and extends northeast to the City of Georgetown Lake Water Treatment Plant. This project will convey additional raw water to the lake plant that will be needed when the lake plant expansion currently under construction is completed.


This project was publicly advertised on July 28, 2021 and August 4, 2021. On August 24, 2021 we received 7 (7) competitive bids, one bid did not include the required documentation and was considered non-responsive. The low qualified bidder for the project was Santa Clara with a total bid of $1,833,457.00. They have completed several projects of the scope and size therefore CDM Smith and staff believes Santa Clara is qualified to complete this project.



CDM Smith and staff recommend awarding the contract to Santa Clara of Austin Texas for the Lake WTP 30” Raw Water Line Improvements Project for $1,833,457.00



This item was unanimously approved by the Georgetown Water Utility Advisory Board at their September 9, 2021 meeting, for recommendation for Council Approval.


Funds for the expenditure is budgeted in the Water CIP Fund  

Wesley Wright, P.E., Systems Engineering Director/Chris Pousson, CIP Manager.
Recommendation of Award / Bid Tab