Item Coversheet

City of Georgetown, Texas
City Council Regular Meeting
October 27, 2020


Public Hearing and consideration on a Resolution approving Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvement Plan associated with a Transportation Impact Fee Study -- Wesley Wright, PE, Systems Engineering Director


In early 2019, Council authorized a task order to study potential Transportation Impact Fees for development in the City of Georgetown.  In late 2019, potential service areas were identified and approved by Council, and the majority of the Transportation Impact Fee Study (Study) was completed. 


In early 2020, an Impact Fee Advisory Committee (Committee) consisting of Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board Members as well as members of the development community was established to review the Study and make recommendations to Council on potential Transportation Impact Fees. 


At the most recent Committee meeting on October 9, 2020, the Committee voted unanimously to recommend Council approve the Land Use Assumptions (LUAs) and Capital Improvement Plan as presented and attached here in draft form. 


The LUAs are based on the recently updated Comprehensive Plan, including our existing Zoning Map and Future Land Use Plan, as well as actual Plat and Permit data to generate growth projections for the next 10 years.  From those growth projections, the construction costs of anticipated transportation enhancements that increase vehicle capacity were estimated.


Upon approval of the aforementioned LUAs and CIP, staff's consultant will finalize calculations on the Maximum Calculated Transportation Impact Fee (Max Fee) and complete the Study.  We will then discuss implementation policy with the Committee and report back to Council with a final recommendation on the Study in early 2021.  


For now, staff, our consulting engineer, and the Committee all recommend Council conduct a Public Hearing and approve of the LUAs and CIP contained within the draft Study.  


In accordance with Texas Local Government Code Chapter 395 regarding Transportation Impact fees, notice of this Public Hearing was published in both the Austin American Statesman (on September 24, 2020) and the Williamson County Sun (on September 27, 2020). 


There is no cost associated with this Resolution.  Financial components of potential Transportation Impact Fees will be discussed at future Council meetings.
Wesley Wright
Resolution - Transportation Impact Fee LUAs and CIP
DRAFT Transportation Impact Fee Study (LUAs and CIP)
Impact Fee Committee Memo - LUAs and CIP