Item Coversheet

City of Georgetown, Texas
City Council Regular Meeting
February 25, 2020

Consideration and possible action establishing a capital improvements advisory committee to provide recommendations on a possible Transportation Impact Fee -- Wesley Wright, PE, Systems Engineering Director

In early 2019, Council funded and approved a task order to study the possibility of adopting Transportation Impact Fees. In early 2020, Council was updated on the status of the study and a general overview of Transportation Impact Fees was provided. As a result of that update, staff was directed to continue finalizing the study and analysis.

Texas Local Government Code Chapter 395 has strict requirements related to the adoption and enforcement of impact fees. One such requirement is the appointment of a capital improvements advisory committee. In general, the purpose of the committee is to review and advise Council regarding staff and consultant findings on land use assumptions, financial analysis, and policy recommendations related to potential Transportation Impact Fees. Local Government Code also requires that the committee partially consist of representatives of the "real estate, development, or building industries."

As such, staff recommends appointing all of the current Georgetown Transportation Advisory Board members, with the exception of Councilmember Rachael Jonrowe (since she will be part of the final decision in her role on Council), as well as the real estate/development/community professionals listed below:
• Sheila Mills, Board Chair
• Ercel Brashear, Board Member
• George Brown, Board Member
• James Hougnon, Board Member
• Bryan Hutchinson, Board Member
• Dan Jones, Board Member
• Michael Miles, Board Member
• Robert Redoutey, Board Member
• Angela Newman, Vice President, Trio Development
• John Tatum, Austin Development Manager, Hillwood Communities
• Stephen Ashlock, Vice President of Land Development, Pulte Group
• Adib Khoury, Land Manager, D.R. Horton

It is anticipated that this committee would meet during the Spring of 2020 and report back to Council in time for FY2021 Budget Workshops.

There is no fee associated with establishing the proposed committee. The costs associated with the study were fully encumbered in last years annual budget.
Wesley Wright