At their 7/23 meeting, The 2030 Steering Committee developed land use policy themes. During the 8/1 meeting, the Steering Committee reviewed new and revised land use policies and directed staff to make modifications for later consideration by the Council.
At this meeting, staff will present the land use policies drafted by the Steering Committee. From the Council, staff is seeking the following feedback:
• Are there any draft land use policies that you seek additional information?
• Do any of the policies require refinement?
• Are there any topics that you feel warrant a policy that is not represented?
Staff will also provide the Council a summary of the best practices and examples for consideration of the Land Use Element update, specifically those that address questions Council posed at the 8/27 workshop:
• How do we integrate small scale multi-family and small scale commercial into existing neighborhood?
• What policies and practices should we use to evaluate a ratio of single family/multifamily for Georgetown?
• How do we create policies that address market demand?
• How are we evaluating residential to non-residential?
• What is the purpose and intent of our Employment Center (industrial) land use?
• Should we complete a corridor plan for University Ave?
Staff is seeking the following feedback from Council:
• Are there any practices that you would like to see further explored?