Item Coversheet

City of Georgetown, Texas
City Council Workshop
AprilĀ 23, 2019

Presentation, discussion, and possible direction on the recommendations of the Joint Session of the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission on Housing Policies for the 2030 Comprehensive Plan -- Sofia Nelson, Planning Director and Susan Watkins, Housing Coordinator

Item Overview

The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council met on April 10, 2019 to review the housing policy recommendations of the 2030 Steering Committee. Staff will present the City Council a summary of the recommendations of the Joint Session and seek direction from the Council to finalize the policy statements.

Staff will also present the steps necessary to update the Land Use Element of the 2030 Plan and seek Council’s feedback on the development of growth scenarios.

Public Input

Input related to housing has been gathered through a city wide survey and engagement day, two real estate professional specific events and from the Steering Committee of the 2030 Plan Update. Detailed results of each engagement are outlined in the attached exhibit.

Requested Feedback:

Staff is seeking direction on the drafted Housing policies.

Sofia Nelson, Planning Director
workshop presentation
Housing Memo
Housing Input Report
Steering Committee Recommendaton