Item Coversheet

City of Georgetown, Texas
Unified Development Code Advisory Committee
March 18, 2019


Consideration and possible action on proposed amendments to Chapter 2, Review Authority, Chapter 3, Applications and Permits, Chapter 4, Zoning Districts, and Chapter 16, Definitions, of the Unified Development Code (UDC) regarding the rules, standards and regulations of the Historic Districts (Amendment No. 2). Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director



The City Council directed staff to update the UDC’s standards and processes relating to the historic districts as part of the 2018/19 UDC Annual Review process (Amendment No. 2). The purpose of this amendment is to incorporate recommendations from the 2016 Historic Resource Survey, streamline the standards based on the City's historic resources, and address challenges in the review process.

In November 2018, December 2018, and January 2019, the City Council discussed the City's historic resources, current processes, and provided direction and guidance on changes to improve the historic standards and review process.

Summary of Proposed UDC Amendments

City Code/UDC Section

Proposed UDC Change

City Code 2.50

HARC to provide City Council with a recommendation on COAs

UDC Section 3.03

Update public notice requirements for City Council review of COAs

UDC Section 3.13

Reflect City Council as the decision maker, instead of HARC

Make a Master Sign Plan an application that can be approved administratively if all design guidelines are met

Include the use of in-kind (like or similar material) replacements of architectural features on medium and low priority resources

Include “creating or adding to an existing street facing façade” to Table 3.13, therefore requiring City Council approval

Remove review of Low Priority (outside a National Register District) and Non-Contributing Structures

Remove 60-day demolition delay period for properties outside of a historic district

UDC Section 16.02

Updated to Clarify Definition

· Historic Structure, Contributing

· Historic Structure, Non-Contributing

· Historic and Architectural Review Commission

· Downtown and Old Town Design Guidelines

· Certificate of Appropriateness

Develop New Definition

· National Register of Historic Places

· Replacement Materials, In-Kind

Next Steps:

Back up Materials:

Additional materials that may support your review of this item include the following:

  • UDC Amendments reader guide. This is a summary of the amendments that outlines discussions with City Council, specific sections of the UDC being amended, preservation goals established by City Council and other strategies City Council discussed when directing work on the UDC amendments.
  • Summary of the conducted public outreach- The 11.2019 presentation made to City Council is attached for your review. It includes a summary of each of the conducted surveys and community feedback.
  • Map of the low priority structures within a historic district- The following interactive map to review all historic structures (in and outside of a historic district).

UDC Advisory Committee (UDCAC):

The UDCAC held a public hearing and discussion on this item on 3/13/2019. The UDCAC requested a continuance of the item until 3/18/2019 to allow for additional participation from two commissioners that were missing from the meeting.


Sofia Nelson, CNU-A, Planning Director

COA summary guide of udc amendments Cover Memo
Summary of public outreach presented to City Council Nov 2018Cover Memo
udc amendments Cover Memo
public commentCover Memo